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时间:2024-07-14 16:21:59 | 作者:小雪


  作者:周诗颖         “起床,起床啦!”生活老师叫醒了我,我们没睡醒似的揉了揉眼睛,就睁开了那被睫毛盖着的眼。一看,呀!老师咋不开灯呢,现在都七点半了呀,会不会是哪里弄错啦?结果,老师一脸无奈地告诉我们:“今天停电了。”       就这样,眼睛像遮了块布一样,开始了找东西之旅。我打开柜子,想要寻找梳子,可是柜子里黑漆漆的,只能用手在里面摸索。“摸到了!”我使劲睁大“失明”的眼睛,先是摸到了宝宝霜,再是摸到了手套,最后终于摸到了梳子。我拿着梳子凯旋归来。一不小心梳子掉了,我又开始了“大搜罗”。看看其他同学,她们也为停电而感到困惑和发愁,有的左顾右盼找东西;有的嘴里还不停的埋怨;有的把手当拐杖,小心翼翼地去洗漱台……       这一刻,我突然领悟到了:光明对我们很重要,没有它,生活就不那么方便了 。同时我感觉到了“黑暗”的恐怖滋味,做什么都不顺利。什么都需要光明,它是我们生活中不可或缺的一个条件。所以,能看到光明是多么幸福的一件事啊!

  英语版:  "get up, get up!" life teacher i wake up, we have woken up and rubbed his eyes, opened the eyes with mascara. a look, ah! how does the teacher do not turn on the lights, it's half past seven ah, will not be wrong where? as a result, the teacher told us a face of frustration: "the power cut off today."in this way, eyes like a piece of cloth to cover the same, began to look for the journey. i opened the cupboard, looking for a comb, but the cupboard is dark, only felt inside. "touch it!" i tried hard to open the eyes, the first is to touch the baby cream, and then touch the gloves, and finally touched the comb. i returned with a comb. a careless comb out, i started collecting large "". look at the other students, they also for the power outage feel confused and worried, some glance right and left to find things; some of the mouth also kept complaining; some handle as a crutch, carefully to wash station...at this moment, i suddenly realized that the light is very important to us. without it, life is not so convenient. at the same time, i feel the "dark" of the horror, do not go well. everything needs light, it is an indispensable condition in our life. so, to see the light is how happy a thing ah!

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